
7 Ways To Get Out Of A Blogging Slump

Blogging slumps are all too common in book bloggers. I know, because I’ve experienced it- remember last year when I barely posted for months?- and because I see it in others. To put it lightly, it sucks.

You might be in a groove, posting happily, when you just…stop feeling motivated and inspired to blog at all. Your blog becomes empty from new posts for days, weeks, months. It’s truly not fun. Every time you open up your computer to write a post, you don’t know how to say it, or you might not even know what you want to say.

So, I’m here with 7 tips on how to get out of that slump, because I know you can. It’s not easy, but it’s doable, and if you love blogging, make an effort to do so.

1) Find out why you’re not blogging.

Sometimes, narrowing down the specific reason why you’re not posting-and working on fixing that one thing-is enough to bring you out of your blogging slump.

Are you:

too busy to blog?

out of ideas?

not motivated to blog?

Whatever the reason might be, take time to think about what it is, and then you can take steps to resolve it. Narrowing it down to what exactly is keeping you from blogging is a huge step to getting back to blogging.

2) Remember why you started blogging.

Why did you decide to blog? What do you love about it? Sit down and think about why you do this and what it means to you. You devote so much time and energy to blogging: What makes it so worth it? If it helps, make a physical list and put it in a place you can look at often. It will make you want to blog.

3) Read other blogs for motivation.

I don’t mean read other blogs to take post ideas as ‘inspiration’, but instead look at your favorite blogs and think, Hey, I really miss posting, and my blog will never get as good as theirs if I never go back. Sometimes, thinking that will actually help you- not make you jealous. Just getting in that mindset of ‘I want to blog’ will get you rolling.

4) Use posts like this one of 30 possible posts to spark ideas.

This is very subtle self-promotion…Okay, maybe it’s not subtle at all.

But a while ago, I wrote a post with 30 blog post ideas, and it’s one of my most popular ever. If you’re a book blogger and don’t have a clue what your next post should be, maybe check out the post and I can help you! Just seeing an idea that you like can motivate you to write it, and then spark more ideas until you’re back on track, blogging consistently.

5) Write down every idea you have in a journal/notebook.

If you come up with an idea that you think is stupid while singing in the shower, write it down as soon as you get out. Later on, you might develop and add to that idea, making it into a coherent and wonderful post. This list of ‘dumb’ ideas can turn into your posts that get you back to blogging. It’s important to write down every single idea you come up with. They’ll come in handy, I promise.

6) Make yourself sit down and write a post or tell other friends/family to make you to keep you accountable.

If you already have an idea, sit down and write the post. No excuses. Turn off distractions. Just do it. If you don’t trust yourself, have a family member or blogging friend be there for encouragement and tell them that if they see you not blogging, yell at you to get back to it. That slight pressure can get you in motion.

7) Take a hiatus from blogging.

I include this tip last because it’s not… fun. I want you to keep blogging! But sometimes, deciding to take a hiatus from blogging is the only way to relieve your stress so that you can return to it in the future. Let your followers know what’s happening and that you will be back- maybe even set a return date- and then focus on the other important things in your life. I promise you that in that hiatus, you’ll come up with ideas until you’re wanting to get back into blogging.

If you’re in a blogging slump, remember that it isn’t the end of the world. You’ll make it through and return to it, and it’ll all be okay.

Have you ever been in a blogging slump? What caused it? How did you get out of it? If you’re currently in one, what are you doing to try and get rid of it? Are you going to try any of these tips?

Thanks for reading,


19 thoughts on “7 Ways To Get Out Of A Blogging Slump

  1. Really nice post.
    I have my blogging my hobby. It helps a lot in content creation.

    Open for any constructive criticism or tips from anyone 🙂


  2. Hi Ava,
    Really good tips, thanks for posting and offering your insights.
    I haven’t really had a slump yet, but I have only started properly posting in September 2016. I may face the slump in the future, but I know how to tackle it if that happens.


  3. My blogging slumps are usually caused by not having enough time or feeling like no one’s reading my content so what’s the point. I usually get over them by using tip number two and reminding myself why I started blogging and how much I love it!


  4. Very nicely written! Thankfully I have not hit a slump yet.. But I am glad to have found this post, to help me through if I do hit a lean period! Thanks for the post! Cheers!


  5. This post was perfect timing for me to read. I’ve been in such a slump lately. I really need to just sit down and think about why I blog & where I want it to go. I’ve already taken a hiatus from Twitter (because I feel like that site was really toxic for me & addicting, which was changing my feelings towards blogging – which wasn’t fair to my poor blog). Long story short: thank you for this post! It was helpful. I’ll be checking out your 30 ideas 🙂

    Molly @ Molly’s Book Nook


  6. Uni just takes up too much time and energy for me. 😥 I wanna get my schedule under control and blog at least every now and then tho!


  7. These are really helpful tips! I have definitely fallen victim to blogging slumps and they aren’t fun at all. I like that you included a hiatus if it need be. Most other blogging advice posts I’ve read don’t tend to include that one but I think it’s an important tip. Thanks for sharing this!! 🙂


  8. I’ve been in a blogging slump befoe. I literally felt so DONE! Weeks went by and the guilt started to become real. I found that I was getting really busy so I started utilising my time, my BuJO, and blog and started managing my day. I started to enjoy blogging again and had stopped focusing on numbers, views and followers. Once the stress of traffic and vistors had decreased, I began blogging again. I think I was too pressurised to posting content that OTHER people like. I didn’t like writing that and therefore stopped. Once I started posting what I was comfortable with, I blogged way more and still do. I think you should feeling forced or jealous about other blogs and focus on YOU and your personality!


  9. This is a lovely post! Really helpful and insightful 🙂 What helps me when I’m in a blogging slump, is to watch BookTube videos. I find that by browsing a platform different to the ones I use really gives me a fresh perspective to continue and write unique content. I wrote a post yesterday sharing a few of my favourite BookTubers and by writing that post it made me realize how much BookTube has helped me with slumps 🙂

    Nihaad | Read & Seek


  10. All of this is so true. Sometimes you just need to step away, and sometimes all you need is a little inspiration. I personally left the blogosphere for a year (on and off) because I had so much going on in my personal life. Now that I have taken care of all of that, I find myself itching to type up a post again. So yeah the taking hiatus advice really works.


  11. Great list. This is quite informative. I usually just take a hiatus. I think I took 3-4 last year but will try out the other tips next time. Thanks for sharing 🙂


  12. I had a blogging slump for most of the end of last year, as well as a book slump as well, so I know exactly what you mean. It royally sucks.


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