
My 2016 Writing Goals

 My 2016 Writing Goals

So, yes. I realize that I’m writing this at the end of the first month of 2016, but I totalllllly forgot about it at the beginning of the year, so it’s being written now!

I am a failure.

(JK, I’m pretty great. This means that instead of concentrating on my writing goals, I’m focusing on the actual writing part!)

Okay. Let’s get into my goals for writing for the whole year of 2016 (or the rest of it).

  • Write everyday.

I want to try to write something every day, whether it be a blog post or part of my novel or fanfiction. (What? Sometimes, you just get in that mood. You’ve never felt that way before? Oh.) By the end of 2016, I feel like I’ll have improved in my writing a huge amount if I write everyday.

The reason I haven’t set myself a number goal (i.e., write 1000 words a day!) is because I do NOT want to feel pressured. Some days I have a lot of time to write, and some days I have 5 minutes between classes. As long as I write a little bit every day, I’ll be happy.

  • Participate (and WIN!!!) in NaNoWriMo.

Last year, I participated in NaNoWriMo for the first time. And I epically failed. Okay, I didn’t fail, but I wrote 10K, then decided that it wasn’t the story I wanted to write. So I didn’t write very much for the rest of the month. I planned and outlined and thought of a lot of ideas, but I didn’t reach 5oK on this new story. So I want to reach 50K this year during NaNo.

  • Finish PIRATES!!

I’m not sure if I’ve talked about it on here before, but PIRATES!! is my WIP, the new one, the one I mentioned above. I’m at about 15K now, and I want to finish it before 2016 is over. And then 2017 will hopefully be the year of editing and rewriting.

PIRATES!! is a Young Adult fantasy novel centered around a female pirate named Alexandra who is the captain of her ship. She and her crew get discovered and captured, and since piracy is against the law, they are about to be killed. A man comes to her in the jail, and offers her a deal. He will free her and her crew if she does something for him, but he doesn’t tell her what it is. Alexandra agrees. STUFF HAPPENS.

I don’t have a specific word count goal for it. The story will be finished when I feel that it’s finished, not when I reach a number. I DO have an amount I’m aiming for, but if it ends up being shorter or longer than that, I’ll be good with that.

(If you were curious, I’m aiming for 100K.)

  • Start Alice.

This is another project, one I’m really excited for. I have the idea, but basically nothing else. It’s a YA retelling of Alice in Wonderland, but the Queen of Hearts and Alice fall in love. I won’t say more than that (and NO, it’s not because I don’t have anything else planned, I don’t know what you’re talking about.) but I love this idea and I don’t think anyone has written this before…? If you have, let me know!

Hmm. Maybe this could be my NaNo project if I finish PIRATES!! in time.

  • Find my “voice”.

I’m a relatively new blogger and writer. Well, I’ve been writing for most of my life, but not novels. And I’ve been blogging for about 5 months (but 3 months posting regularly and often). I don’t know what my writing voice is like. I want to discover the natural way of writing and blogging for me, the way that feels most “me”.

  • Don’t feel pressured to write on my NOVEL everyday. 

Yes, I know I just said above that I wanted to write everyday. No, I’m not contradicting myself.

Some days, I’ll be able to pound out 1K on my novel really really fast, but some days, I won’t feel like working on PIRATES!! at all. So I don’t want to force myself to write. On the days that the writing isn’t flowing, I won’t force it. I’ll work on a blog post, or something else.

There isn’t a time limit for this novel to be done. I can’t make myself think that I have to finish it by a certain date, or write at least 1K each day. That’s not realistic for me. I’m not a speed writer. I can’t write 3K every day like some people can. I’m still a student, and school takes up SO MUCH of my time. 1K in a day is a huge (and rare) accomplishment for me.

So even if I don’t write anything, I’ll be perfectly okay. Because I know that even if I’m not writing, I’m thinking about it. So many things provide inspiration for my novels daily, I think of ideas, I plan, and that’s still progress, even if my word count isn’t growing.

  • Figure out which way of writing works best for me. 

Am I a plotter, or a pantser? I DON’T KNOW. I want to experiment with both, and see which is better suited for me.

With my NaNo project, I tried outlining. I had the first half of the book planned out, and knew the ending, but it wasn’t extreme outlining like I’ve seen some people do. I had bullet points of what was going to happen, but that was it.

It didn’t work very well, and I think this may have been part of why I didn’t get very far??? I’m not sure, but I felt so confined and it just made me not want to write.

Now, with PIRATES!!, I don’t have any outline. I know what I want to happen, and the ending, and have a vague idea of how my characters will get there, but that’s all I know. It’s all in my head.

And I THINK it’s working better. I’ve written a lot more than I usually do.

But I want to try both outlining and not outlining, and, once and for all, figure out what works the best for me and what makes me the most productive and happy. Because if I’m not enjoying myself while writing, what’s the point?

What are your writing goals for 2016?


24 thoughts on “My 2016 Writing Goals

  1. I have similar writing goals too! I would like to win NaNoWriMo. However, before that I want to finish my current manuscript. I feel like I should be writing everyday, but blogging or life kind of gets in the way of that.


  2. Good luck with all your goals! I’m sure 2016 will be an amazing year for you :). I’m not a writer but I do know what you mean on finding your “voice.” By the way, I love the name Alexandra for your WIP!


  3. These sound like awesome goals! I’m also an aspiring writer (and a book lover DUH) PIRATES!! Sounds really cool. I’m also writing a novel but it’s sort of dead lined cuz I have no time to write with school and all that 😢 I’ve heard of NaNoWriMo but I’ve never done it but I would love to this year. Maybe we could swap stories some time 😄


  4. Girl I’m SO EXCITED for you with your writing goals!! I love your goal of writing every day- even without an amount, you’re going to be pushing yourself to WRITE and that’s exactly what you need to be doing!!

    I bet you can totally win NaNoWriMo this year, girl! 😀 There’s typically a few book bloggers that participate in it, so we should totally make a group when it comes around to keep each other accountable!

    Also, both of your novels sound FANTASTIC LIKE WOW OMG. I want to read them, like yesterday. I am waiting at my inbox for a draft. *glares* (jk but seriously SO READY for those books already).

    Fantastic post <333

    My Not So Real Life
    The Writing Hustle


    1. THANK YOUUUUUU! I hope you have a great writing year in 2016, too. Are you participating in NaNo? Because yes, we must motivate each other!!
      THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS MEANS SO MUCH TO ME. But, like, if you want to read them, when they’re better, I could send them to you…? But only if you want.
      ❤ ❤ ❤


  5. Great goals Ava! This year, I really want to participate and win in NaNoWriMo for the first time 😀 As well, I definitely want to write at least a little something every single day ❤


  6. This is such an inspiring post! I’m also trying to write a little bit everyday, I think it really has to be a habit. And I’m definitely trying to win NaNoWriMo this year as well! (Because last year I wrote about 12K words… that was sad)


  7. Those look like great goals! I’ve some similar for my WIP.

    I totally understand about plotter vs pantser and the NaNo stress. I wrote 50k of something that didn’t work out for me. Not really a fun NaNo, but I’m hoping this year will be better. I’ve usually got an outline of some sort, just scenes that need to happen and a general idea of where they need to go, but that’s about it. Plot a little, pants a lot. Or vice versa.

    And you’re right–there are DEFINITELY times when I don’t feel like working on my WIP but want to write. My goals are to finish my WIP and find out just what grade level I feel comfortable with. I’d always thought I’d be a YA writer but MG appears to be more comfortable.

    But a major goal for me would be not feeling pressured to write. I’m learning to write when I’m itching to and when I have time that isn’t 2 AM on a school night before a test. Not to force myself to write.

    Good luck on your writing goals! PIRATES!! sounds awesome!


    1. I’m sorry that your 50K didn’t turn out like you wanted, but good luck for this year!
      And I think you’re right-almost all writers do both, plotting and pantsing, even if they don’t call it that!
      If MG seems to be better for you, DO IT!! I love MG, even though I read mostly YA.
      Thank you so much! And good luck with your WIP and your goals for 2016!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Good luck with writing your novel, it sounds very interesting to me and you should definitely try to write as much as you can but never pressure yourself, always leave a bit of inspiration for a next day 🙂


  9. Good luck!!! Basically my goal this year is to write as MUCH as I possible can. ’15 was a big year for me in editing and revising, so I kinda want to focus on drafting a bit more. In saying that I DO have plans for some rewrites, so I suppose I’ll just see how things go. And I agree with the whole not being pressured to write every day thing! That’s something I need to focus on more too.


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