
Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Resolutions I Have For 2016

IMG_2453-1Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Resolutions I Have For 2016

Top 10 Tuesday is hosted by the lovely people at The Broke and The Bookish.

1. Keep blogging all year

I want to blog consistently throughout 2016, without going on any unexpected hiatuses or losing motivation. (unless I need to take a break, but if I do I’ll announce that)

2. Make more blogging friends

I’ve met so many wonderful people through blogging, and I know there are so many more I haven’t talked to, so I want to make more blogging friends.

3. Learn HTML and coding

I don’t know ANYTHING about coding or HTML, and I think learning would improve my blog by a lot.

4. Post better blog content

Of course I want my posts’ quality to improve! That’s a huge goal for me, and I want my discussions to become more engaging and to find my writing voice for reviews and…

5. Be more organized

This is a big goal for me in general, not just for blogging. I want to have my posts scheduled and written not the night before. I’m using a calendar and bullet journal, and I think this will help this blog.

6. Think about self-hosting

It’s a big decision, but I want to contemplate becoming a self-hosted blog, and my theme becoming my own and not one that lots of people have. I want my blog to be unique. In 2016, I want to see if I’d like to stick with blogging, and then it’ll be worth it to pay to self-host.

7. Comment more

I love whenever someone posts a meaningful comment on my blog. It makes my day. So I want to do this for other people!

8. Get my NetGalley percentage to 80% AND request less books on NetGalley and Edelweiss

For the books I request on NetGalley, I want to review most of them, and have the percentage go up. Because right now, it’s at 20%. That is NOT GOOD. But I don’t want to be stressed about it. So, if I start stressing out about it, I will request less books. It’s so easy just to see all those books and think, Oh, I can read that! *request request request* And then you have a bunch of books you have to read. So I’m making it my goal to request less books.

9. Read 100 books

I read a little over 100 books this year, and next year will be busier, so I want to make it my goal to read 100 books.

10. Stick to a book buying ban

I’ve never actually went on a book buying ban, and sometimes I go a little overboard with book buying. So I’ve made myself a list of books I have to buy in 2016 (like sequels and debuts I’m really excited for) and then I am hopefully not going to buy more than that.

11. Continue to bookstagram

I’ve been part of the bookstagram community for over a year, and want to continue posting throughout 2016!

12. Follower goals

I know I said that I don’t care about followers, and that’s true! I do have follower count goals for myself, so that I will push myself to reach them. As of right now, I have 119 Wordpress followers, 9 email followers, 22 Bloglovin followers, 492 Twitter followers, and 7619 Instagram followers. By the end of 2016, I’d like to have 300 WordPress followers, 50 email followers, 100 Bloglovin followers, 1000 Twitter followers, and 10,000 Instagram followers! Yes, these are huge numbers, but they will make me try harder to rest then.

(Yes, this is 12 goals, not 10. I’m a rebel.) What are your goals for 2016? Comment, I’m interested to hear! Maybe you have some of the same goals as me!

I hope you have a wonderful 2016!


21 thoughts on “Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Resolutions I Have For 2016

  1. I hope you meet all your goals! I am also hoping to get more orgranized! I envy you for wanting to handle html because I know I am not tech savvy enough to do so… It’d end up a mess.. I can’t even make a blog banner… Any who I am always up for more blogger friends, so I volunteer especially if you need someone to talk books with or collaborate with. I really want to collaborate this year! I wish you an active year!


  2. Great goals, Ava! I am so with you on learning HTML and coding. I know the bare minimum from when I did stuff on MySpace, and I wish that I knew more. I also want to comment more, especially on different blogs. I have my go-to blogs that I visit all the time, but I want to discover more, and spread the joy. 🙂

    Happy New Year!


  3. I definitely share your goals for commenting more and making more blogging friends! I’ve just come off a 6 week unannounced blog hiatus so I am also determined to keep to consistent blogging all year. It can be tough sometimes. Good luck with all of your goals!
    My TTT


  4. We have quite a number of similar goals! Commenting and making more blogging friends are some of my biggest blogging goals for this year – I want to talk to more bookish people 😀 I’m also on a book buying ban! I aim to not spend more than $100 on books this year and focus on reading what I already have. Good luck with yours, and all the best with your other resolutions too!


  5. I hope you meet all your goals. I would like to know more about HTML and coding as well, but I find the whole thing really confusing. Luckily I have found some formats I can cut and paste and then plug in things or my posts would REALLY be still in the dark ages.


  6. I’m loving your ambitious goals with your followers. It’s always good to have something to reach for. 🙂 Good luck with your resolutions!


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